David Clarke will be telling his storey from crime to Christ in full on Saturday 16th August 2014 at Waddesdon Hill Strict Baptist Chapel, Buckinghamshire. The High Sheriff of Buckinghamshire Mr J G Barclay and other distinguished guest will be there and the story is covered in the Bucks Herald and on Mix 96 radio.
David and his older brother Michael were criminals in the 60’s living in Aylesbury Buckinghamshire. They were Mods but were sent to prion for carrying an fire arm without a license. David Graduated from Dover Borstal a true Borstal graduate having learned more about crime then he knew before.
He had a 3 year career of undetected crime, until he was arrested but not by the police. He had a bad experience on LSD during which time he cry out to the Lord for help.
He decided he wanted to turn his life around and learned to read to educate himself, reading the bible and other Christian literature , became a baptist minister and graduated with a Cert Ed. and then taught electrons for over 20 years in colleges of Higher and Further Education.
Michael however continued his flamboyant life style unaffected by David. 25 years later ended up doing a 16 year prison sentence in the Philippines, where he died of Tuberculosis. The good news was that he too after serving 5 years of his sentence became a Christian and David together with Gordon Smith from Aylesbury went on a mission of help to Michael. They worked with many converted criminals and wrote their story in their book Trojan Warriors. The whole story in now told in David book Borstal Boys and in their Punk Rock Opera Borstal Boy scheduled to be performed in HMP Aylesbury next year.
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Borstal Boys