My testimony continued:
When I was first converted I read all the books that I could. This was in order to learn the truth of God as set forth in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, who had called me by name to follow him on 16th January 1970. This course of reading led me to study not only:
1 Bullingers’s book, The Witness of the stars: but also
2 Ivan Panin’s book on Gematria: and
3 Clarence Larkin’s, Dispensational truth.
4 Hal Lindesy The Late Great Planet Earth:,_Great_Planet_Earth.
And many others that I mention later as recommended reading.
Doctrines of the Gospel
Yes they were veru interesting and interesting reading but none taught the doctrines of grace in connection with The Person and deity of Christ and the way of salvation. The sovereignty of God in providence and grace. Election, predestination, The everlasting love of God to the elect. Justification by Imputed Righteousness, Particular Redemption, Perseverance of the saints and the significance of the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. Nor an acurate view of Escatology.
Arminian and Calvinism
I realize that men professing Christ have various degrees of knowledge and we are required to be patient and gracious towards those who are learning the way. There are two main branches, that divide those who profess Christian religion and these can be described as Arminianiam or Calvinism in their views of the doctrine of salvation.
My recent experience with Gordon, who is in fact is an Arminian, has demonstrated that he is an opponent to the truths of our Lord Jesus Christ, whom I preach and teach. He is in trouble and should know better. He opposes the Calvinistic views of the gospel.
I have concluded that although there are many interesting studies in history, numbers, and nature etc, if our study does not lead us too, or shed light on, or assist in teaching the doctrines of the gospel, as just mentioned above, then they are just distractions.
Essensial truths
If a Christian cannot express the doctrines of the New Birth, the Person of Christ, Justification by faith, explain Imputed Righteousness, explain Particular Redemption and outline the Decrees of God in connection with Predestination, the Old Covenant and the New Covenant. The New Jerusalem and Old Jerusalem and the relationship of the believer to the Law of Moses within 2 years of his conversion, then they need the sincere milk of the word. No amount of information about any thing else is of any spiritual value to them as they will not grow in grace and the knowledge or wisdom of our Lord Jesus Christ.
How to resist
We are taught by James 4, 7 to Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
In order to resist the Devil we need to be able to must identify him by his works and practices.
Peter says 1 Peter 5. 7. Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. 8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: 9 Whom resist steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. 10 But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. 11 To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.
My learning
I have learned that all theories about God speaking the gospel to men via any other source than that of the scriptures are generally misleading and a distraction.
A false view of our standing in Christ
I have learned that the Arminian and Calvinist may also fail to see that a believer is complete in Christ, being justified by Christ righteousness imputed to him. That all his sins were actually atoned for when Jesus died and rose again. That this righteousness cannot the marred of stained or lost. We cannot make our selves more perfect by works of the flesh or done according to the flesh or traditions of men. In this leads to false views as to what holiness or sanctification is.
Distractions in our day and a false gospels
The link I enclose below may help show what I mean.
Here I include a link to the subject regarding Bullinger and the Stars, entitled,
The false gospel in the Stars.
A mindful proposal
I am mindful to write, for our prospective students, a questionnaire for them to test thier knowledge. And so highlight our lack of knowowledge in the area’s of study that would be profitable to them. And so this would assit and furnished them unto all good works and so enable them to teach and preach the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
This was our plan for our Trojan Warrior’s, who were to study at our Teacher Training College in New Bilibid Prison. This is because I have come to the conclusion we cannot resist the Devil if we cannot identify the errors that he throws our way. We cannot resist him in the faith once delivered to the saints unless we are fully conversant of the doctrines of the faith that was once delivered unto us.
Thankfully William C. Poloc, continues teaching the gospel in Baguio City to this day, as a sent man by Trojan Horse International, and is the first fruit of that work. It would be good for you to continually communicate with him as he realises Lucas and Gani had other idea’s. May be he has not informed you about that.
William has requested books for his study centre on Monergism. This is a modern theological word that I have only just come across. It is identical to the terms expressed in the Doctrines of Distinguishing Grace. These doctrinal tenets are those that I have taught from the beginning and now Gordon opposes and speaks lightly of them. He is in trouble.
Recommended reading
1 King James Bible (No copy right)
2 Sovereingty of God A.W. Pink
3 Dr John Gill, Body of Theological and Practical Divinty (No copy write)
4 John Owen, The Deiety of Christ
4 Martin Luther Galatians and The Bondage of the Will (No copy write)
4 William Huntington The Kingdom of Heaven Taken by prayer (No copy write)
5 J K Russsel The Parousia (No copy write)
6 Dr Joh Gills Comentary on the whole bible. (No copy write)
All publications availiable to our student from our Library (and others upon request) : Bierton Particular Baptist. We can loan them to you as PDF files.
These are just some good reading material
16th July 20012 DC